Journeying with the
UU Mental Health Network
Thanks for your interest in becoming involved in the activities of the UU Mental Health Network (UUMHN). This is an opportunity for Unitarian Universalists to honor each individual’s unique mental health journey towards wellness.
We invite you to journey with us in one or more of the following ways:
Make a commitment to serve in one of these ways:
Education Team: Create resource list and encourage congregations to develop mental health ministries
Worship Team: Help provide periodic worship services in the HELD worship room
Support Group: Get training and run a mental health family or peer support group
Social Justice Team: Advocate for mental health social justice issues
Communication Team: Publish on mental health issues and Inform people about the status of our efforts
Website: Help develop and maintain the website
Another form of service of your own design
Make a commitment to attend or join:
A mental health worship service either online or in person
The UUMHN Facebook group
Follow UUMHN on Twitter
Follow UUMHN on Instagram
The annual meeting
Another way to attend or join of your own design
Make a financial commitment
Collection: Have a special collection designated for UUMHN at your faith community
Pledge: Make a yearly contribution that you can sustain.
Fundraise: Another way, ex: Help run a Faithify campaign to support UUMHN ministries and projects.
Another method of contribution of your design
Journey with Us
Click this link to tell us how you will
Become a Voter at the UUMHN Business Meetings
In addition to journeying with us in any of the above ways, you may also choose to be a voter at business meetings of the organization. If you wish to have voting privileges at business meetings, you may do so by sending your name and contact information to UUMHN Voter.
Note: If you choose to become a voter, it is very important that you make a personal commitment to attend meetings at which there will be a vote.